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"Man Conquers the World by Conquering Himself"- Zeno Citium 

Singing Blue Jay

"Listening to the Birds Sing"

When you listen to the sounds of nature such as the birds singing during the break of dawn, and as you great a new day, you smile at its wonders. Our podcast gives you deeper insights to ponder and helps you to grow along your path. 

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Reiki Certification Course

"Be A Master of the Mind, Not Mastered by the Mind"- Seneca

Three Treasures Acupuncture & Wellness offers a variety of  Reiki Certification online courses to help you to expand your knowledge about Energy Healing. The information that is taught is unique and will give you deeper insights into the mysteries of life. 

Reiki Certification Online Course.

Reading Outdoors

"The Tranquility that comes When you Stop Caring What They Say. Or think or do. Only What You Do." Marcus Aurelius

Are you interested in reading articles that inspire you to be the best presentation of your self. These articles will give you daily wisdom to think about yourself, family, community and so much more. 

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